Timeframe for responses
Stage 1
At stage 1, your complaint will be handled by our independent Customer Resolutions Team who have the authority and autonomy to resolve disputes quickly and fairly. They aim to contact you to acknowledge your complaint within five working days, followed by a formal written response to your complaint within 10 working days.
Stage 2 complaint:
You have the right to escalate your complaint if you are not satisfied with our response and you must do this, in writing, within 14 days of our stage 1 response, explaining how and why you are dissatisfied and what hasn’t been resolved. You are encouraged to also state in your request what you expect from the resolution. We will acknowledge the escalation and consider who is most appropriate to examine the actions and decisions taken at stage 1 to ensure that they were thorough, objective and fair as well as taking into account any additional evidence. The person considering the complaint at Stage 2, will be a Manager or Director who has not considered the complaint at Stage 1. After these two stages are completed, if you still remain dissatisfied, you can escalate your complaint to the Housing Ombudsman.