Major Works & Section 20

What is a Section 20 notice?

We’re legally-obliged to issue a Section 20 (S20) notice to let you know about certain proposed works or services planned at your building or estate. The S20 process is made up of three separate parts:

  • First stage – a notice of intention to do the works
  • Second stage – notification of estimates obtained by the landlord
  • Third stage – notification of award of contract

The S20 notice will explain what work is planned, why it’s being carried out and the anticipated costs, and give you the chance to be consulted and to comment on the plans; these are called ‘observations’.

The type of notice you receive will be determined by the anticipated cost of the works and whether or not we plan to use a contractor with whom we already have a long-term agreement (see below). You can find out more information about the Section 20 process from the Leasehold Advisory Service.

Major Works

When major works are going to cost more than £250 per home, we must go through a S20 consultation process with leaseholders. 

Major works include things such as improvements, refurbishments, repairs and decoration. All of these are carried out in order to keep our buildings and estates in good working condition. Major works do not include leaseholder responsibilities such as internal flat or house decoration. 

Do I pay for works carried out under a Section 20 notice?

Under the terms of a S20 notice we are allowed to recover the costs of major works via your service charge. The S20 process gives you, as a leaseholder or shared owner, the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed works. Once the three stages of the S20 process are complete we will have contracted the works and established a contract. The cost of the contract is then apportioned to leaseholders via the service charge.  

It is common for major works to last for a number of years, which is why we consult with leaseholders via the S20 process. It is not uncommon for major works to appear on service charge statements for a number of years. 

About Shepherds Bush Housing Group

About The Guinness Partnership

Formerly SBHA, but now The Guinness Partnership, We were founded in 1890 to improve people’s lives and create possibilities for them.

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