Homeowner Responsibilities










Homeowner Responsibilities

As a leaseholder, your rights and responsibilities are set out in within your lease agreement. In general, leaseholders are responsible for:

  • Paying any service charge and rents
  • Getting our written permission before carrying out any alterations or improvements to your home
  • Maintaining and repairing the inside of your home, including fixtures and fittings
  • Providing access to your homes for our contractors to carry out any necessary repairs. We will give you notice in writing

Alterations and Improvements

You must seek our permission before doing any alterations or improvement works to your home.

Below you will see some examples of the types of work that we need to give permission for:

  • Installing new windows
  • Replacing a boiler or central heating system 
  • Changing the existing internal layout
  • Removing walls or creating a new opening
  • Building an extension

If you are planning any alterations or improvements please get in touch with your Leasehold Officer or leaseholders.enquiries@sbhg.co.uk

Gas Boiler Servicing

As a leaseholder, it is your responsibility to service your gas boiler and gas appliances. The Gas Safe Register recommends servicing gas boilers and appliances once a year. 

You can find out more about gas safety checks, here 

Sub Letting your Home

Shared ownership is an affordable housing product designed to help first-time buyers get on the property ladder who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford a property on the open market. Therefore, we do not allow subletting under the terms of our shared ownership lease agreements. However, we will consider subletting for shared owners in exceptional circumstances. 

If you own 100% of your home, and your lease allows for subletting we will not unreasonably deny your request. There is a charge for subletting your home. 

For more information, speak to the Leasehold Team: leaseholders.enquiries@sbhg.co.uk

Our Responsibilities as your Landlord

As your landlord, we are typically responsible for the repair and maintenance of the structure of your building, communal areas, and communal systems. Generally, we don’t have repair obligations for inside your home. Both your and our repair responsibilities are set out in your lease agreement. You should always check your lease to determine who is responsible for a repair, before getting in contact with us.

As your landlord our repair responsibilities typically include:

The structure of the building

  • roof repairs
  • rainwater pipes and gutters
  • external drains, soil pipes and sewers
  • damp-proofing works
  • brickwork
  • floor joists

Communal systems

  • door entry systems
  • communal heating systems
  • communal TV aerials
  • lifts

Communal areas

  • lighting
  • decoration
  • cleaning
  • heating
About Shepherds Bush Housing Group

About The Guinness Partnership

Formerly SBHA, but now The Guinness Partnership, We were founded in 1890 to improve people’s lives and create possibilities for them.

Find out more About Us