If you are a tenant, in April your rent will increase. If you are a homeowner you can find out information on changes to your rent and services charges, here.
We set rents in line with the Government Rent Standard which allows rent increases of Consumer Price Index (CPI) +1%. CPI is a common measure of inflation. In September 2024 CPI was 2.7%, which means that your rent could be increased by a maximum of 2.7%.
This increase will help us to maintain your home to a good standard, provide an improved service to our customers and hep fund our building safety work, making sure you are safe in your home.
Depending on the type of tenancy you hold with us, this increase will either be inclusive or exclusive of service charges.
The Government has confirmed that the majority of benefits will rise by 2.7%, in line with inflation.
Please get in touch, 020 8996 4200, if you have any questions that are not answered here.
Our Income Team, income.team@sbhg.co.uk, are available to provide support if you have any affordability or money worries.
We also offer a range of initiatives that can be found in our Customer Welfare Support Offer .
We have increased your rent in line with the Government Rent Standard.
When CPI increases, so do our costs. As a charitable housing association all of the money we generate gets reinvested into your homes and into the services we provide. This increase will help maintain your home to a good standard, provide an improved service to our customers and help fund our building safety work, making sure you are safe in your home.
The details of your rent increase will be in a letter you receive in February.
The Rent Standard is an economic standard that the Regulator of Social Housing expects registered providers, such as Shepherds Bush Housing Association, to comply with. It sets the requirements around how registered providers set and increase rents for all their social housing properties in line with government policy.
You can find more information about the Rent Standard, here.
We follow rules set by the government when we calculate any changes to your rent.
The government website explains that social housing rent will be increased by a maximum of CPI +1%.
CPI is a common measure of inflation. In September 2024 CPI was 2.7%, which means that your rent could be increased by a maximum of 2.7%.
There are a number of different types of tenancies across our properties and this may mean your rent is different to your neighbours'. The type of tenancy typically depends on when the tenancy started.
As a general guide our Fair Rents tend to be our cheapest tenancy, followed by Social Rent Tenancies. Affordable Rents are higher as these are based on a maximum rent of 80% of the market rate.
We are determined to offer homes that our customers are proud of as well as good value for money. This price increase will help us achieve this by allowing us to reinvest in our current homes, improve our customer service and help fund our building safety work, making sure you are safe in your home.
If your Housing Benefit is paid directly to you, then you will need to inform Housing Benefit of your rent increase before April 1 2025, to make sure you receive the correct payments.
Once you have received your rent changes letter, which arrived in February, you will simply need to inform the DWP of this increase via their online portal after the rent increase has been applied. It is important that you do this on your review date in order to avoid issues with receiving your benefits.
For support in doing this please contact our Income team, income.team@sbhg.co.uk.
If your Universal Credit allowance or Housing Benefit isn’t enough to cover the additional rent increase, we strongly recommend that you make an appointment to see a member of our Income Team who can work with you to find a solution.
If you pay by direct debit the Income Team will automatically adjust your payment to reflect the rent increase.
If you pay by Standing Order, you must contact your bank to amend your payments to the new amount, ensuring you quote your account reference number above, by 1 April 2025.
Our priority is to support our customers to sustain their tenancies, and we want to help prevent rent arrears as much as possible.
Our Income team are trained to ensure you get the most out of your income and benefits, help you manage your finances and support you through any changes in circumstances. Their services are friendly, free and confidential.
Please get in touch with them as early as possible if you need help to pay your rent. You can do so by emailing income.team@sbhg.co.uk. Alternatively, there is advice and support available from the local Citizens Advice Bureau.
We know that the current level of energy prices are really impacting our customers.
We want to work with our customers to ensure their income is maximised wherever possible and we will always offer affordable repayment options for those falling into arrears.
Our Customer Support Offer looks at employment support, debt, fuel poverty and wider money and budgeting advice through partnerships. All of which has the primary aim of putting and keeping our customers on the right track.
Find more information at our dedicated Energy Price Increase Page.
Formerly SBHA, but now The Guinness Partnership, We were founded in 1890 to improve people’s lives and create possibilities for them.