Tenant Satisfaction Measures
The Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) have been introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing in England to assess how well landlords are doing in providing good quality homes and services.
The Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) have been introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing in England to assess how well landlords are doing in providing good quality homes and services.
These Tenant Satisfaction Measures, which came into force on 1 April 2023, are a new set of measures introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing to ask residents how they feel about the services their landlord provides.
These key results give you more clarity about what you should hold us accountable for so that together we can create an honest, transparent relationship.
There are 22 measures, 12 of these measures come directly from one of our customer feedback surveys, 10 come from information we hold in our systems on our operational activity.
For more information on the Tenant Satisfaction Measures and how they affect you, please visit Tenant Satisfaction Measures – Summary of RSH requirements (accessible) – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk).
We commission an external research agency, (Acuity Research & Practice Limited) to carry out our satisfaction surveys throughout the year. Most surveys are completed over the telephone with an option of an online response via email if requested.
We gathered 608 different survey responses from tenants, and all have been included in the results. (Where appropriate we provide a single, combined figure.)
Low Cost Rental Accommodation (LCRA) is a term used by the Regulator of Social Housing to mean general needs, supported, intermediate rent and temporary social housing.
Low Cost Home Ownership (LCHO) represent shared owners who have not fully staircased. LCHO properties were excluded from our submission due to our property numbers being under 1,000, as specified in the technical requirements document.
You can read more information about eligibility, our approach to sampling, and the representativeness of the sample here.
You can read the full survey used to generate the survey responses here.
If you have an idea about how we can provide better services or improve the way we do things, there are several ways you can share your views.
We really value and welcome the contribution tenants make to the range and quality of our services. There are many opportunities for you to get involved, both formally and informally.
These include:
Resident Voice
Resident Voice (RV) is a panel made up of tenants and leaseholders who work in partnership with us to contribute to ongoing continuous improvement. The panel holds us to account and works with us to improve the standards of our services, homes and neighbourhoods, encourages residents to get involved and influence our services.
Residents’ Associations
Residents’ associations are voluntary groups of tenants. They meet to discuss matters that are of common interest relating to their homes, community and general environment.
They then pass on the views of their members to us and any other relevant agencies. There are many reasons why people form a residents’ association. These can be:
Based on what our residents tell us, the team works with colleagues across SBHA to identify and agree ways we can make our services better and improve experiences for our residents.
Formerly SBHA, but now The Guinness Partnership, We were founded in 1890 to improve people’s lives and create possibilities for them.