How do I report abuse?

Does someone in your household frighten or hurt you? If you are a victim of domestic abuse, and wish to speak to someone, please call 020 8996 4200 and we will connect you to a Housing Officer.

Alternatively, you can also complete our online contact form to request a call back at a time to suit you. Please be assured, we will not leave a voicemail or discuss your case with anyone else who may answer your phone.

If you have concerns that another SBHA resident is suffering domestic abuse, please let us know.  But if it is an emergency as it is happening right now, please call the police on 999.

Any tenants who commit domestic violence are breaking their tenancy agreement and we will take action against them. This may involve taking out an injunction preventing them from using their home or taking action to repossess the property.

Anyone who loses their home because they have committed domestic violence will be considered intentionally homeless.


Domestic violence and abuse policy



How we can help


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About Shepherds Bush Housing Group

About Shepherds Bush Housing Association

Part of The Guinness Partnership, we have more than 5000 homes, throughout nine boroughs in west London

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